Federico Gennari Santori

Federico Gennari Santori

Professional journalist specializing in technologies and economics of the digital world, he contributes to and also has contributed to Wired, Corriere della Sera, Fortune, Eastwest, Rivista Studio, Pagina99, Lettera43. He works on web marketing and content strategy, which subjects he held for teaching activities at la Sapienza - Università di Roma, Talent Garden and Digital Combat Academy.

"Time to shift gears for connected and sustainable mobility"

From smart roads to autonomous driving, from MaaS services to the connected car: the digital transition of mobility offers numerous opportunities involving manufacturers, infrastructure, networks, administrations and users. But where do we really stand? We talk about this with Giulio Salvadori, director of Polimi's Connected Car & Mobility Observatory, which has just released research data

“I’ll show you how our lives depend on space cybersecurity”

If our economy is already a space economy, our society is as well. Cyber security is strategic for the 8,000 satellites in orbit, while enemy states and hackers are on the prowl. Matteo Lucchetti, director of Cyber 4.0, tells Infra Journal: “Space is a useful but vulnerable economic domain. The most threatened sector is the government sector”

Cybersecurity, the 5 biggest risks for the electric and connected car

Electrification leads to increasingly digitised, networked (V2X, V2I, V2V...) and self-driving vehicles and infrastructures. Vehicle mobility is increasingly becoming an attractive attack surface for malicious actors and software: here are the major vulnerabilities to watch out for, for the safety of roads and drivers

What if we’ve been in the metaverse already for some time?

Etymology does not lie: “meta” is a convergence between different dimensions. It is necessary to understand our times, unless we are entertained by provocations, anecdotes and other crypto-ludic varieties. Or slightly more

The future of mobility in the metaverse is not (only) what you imagine

Beyond the extreme vision of immersive virtual reality, the physical and digital worlds are increasingly integrating, transforming our idea of travel, mobility services and transportation

Cybersecurity for transportation: “smart nations” to the test

Essential services in the smart cities are targets to malicious actors. States need to defend utilities, industrial plants, payment systems, connected services and much more against cyberattacks. This issue is even destined to grow with the advent of smart mobility