Green hydrogen: these are the major plants and projects to produce it in Europe

Green hydrogen promises to decarbonise the energy system, but between EU targets and real production capacity there is the need to build the new plants. Let's see the biggest to date or under construction in Europe

Trump or Harris, the role of the US vote in the global green transition

Comparison between the two White House candidates on US green policies, with Biden focusing on incentives. The outcome of the election will also determine the direction of global climate finance and the adoption of more or less bold initiatives by the global community

From electronics, a smart eye for the environment: the idea of FAE Technology

The Italian tech group produces the electronic components for devices capable of monitoring urban, rural and fragile territories. Technology meets sustainability, with several active projects around the world and strategic partnerships

“Free”. The revolution you won't expect, in Genoa

The bet won by the Ligurian capital: free tickets and up to 55% lower fares to increase turnover. Here's how AMT, the company that manages public transport, did it

Most Shared 

To tax or not to tax? The Hamletic doubt on tolls that embarrasses New York

Approved after years of work and studies in December, Manhattan's congestion charge was to be the first ever implemented in the entire United States. It was scheduled to start on 30 June, but the toll to moderate traffic was postponed to an indefinite date a few days earlier: the Big Apple continues to hesitate without making a decision. Here are the issues that have caused a stalemate

Editor's Hub

Fossil sources, is it still worth it? The risks of a future carbon lock-in

Building fossil-based infrastructure will block the energy transition of the industrial system, beyond the EU's decarbonisation deadlines. This delay will have an impact on climate and economic risks, due to the loss of competitiveness in the manufacturing sector and the spread of stranded assets in the energy sector

Read more about Fossil sources, is it still worth it? The risks of a future carbon lock-in

The capabilities of hydrogen for industry and transport

It could make an important contribution to reducing emissions where electrification is more difficult and in sectors hard to abate. The Hydrogen JRP is a research centre by the Politecnico di Milano, for a research chain between universities and the business world
Read more about The capabilities of hydrogen for industry and transport

Media Hub

Sustainable, courageous and efficient: mobility in 4 world-leading cities

Tianjin, Paris, Bogota and Jakarta have in recent years won the Sustainable Transport Award, the global competition that each year selects the city with the best projects for renewing mobility in a more sustainable and safe direction. Let's take a look at the results

An ambition beyond the stars: the billionaires’ race to conquer space

Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are the protagonists of a challenge never seen before in human history, between satellite launches and orbital flight. The world arising from the space economy will depend on them too: here are the tycoons of the planet with space interests, among successes, aspirations and few too many extravagances

A young space leader, from Sicily to Mars: Chiara Cocchiara’s challenge

A brilliant student who overturned all preconceptions and, starting from the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, established herself in the world as a pioneer of space and the emerging space economy: the story, ambitions and projects of Chiara Cocchiara, an award-winning aerospace engineer with a penchant for the red planet

Green hydrogen: these are the major plants and projects to produce it in Europe

Green hydrogen promises to decarbonise the energy system, but between EU targets and real production capacity there is the need to build the new plants. Let's see the biggest to date or under construction in Europe

Trump or Harris, the role of the US vote in the global green transition

Comparison between the two White House candidates on US green policies, with Biden focusing on incentives. The outcome of the election will also determine the direction of global climate finance and the adoption of more or less bold initiatives by the global community

"Sustainability is a path of value that never stops"

The experience of a B-Corp company led by Walter Bertin, Labomar, in creating a value chain based on short supply chains, control of raw materials, and research and development of innovative nutraceutical products designed for human well-being and respectful of the environment

Beyond oil? What the Gulf countries are really doing for the green transition

Gulf states aim to become global hubs for climate diplomacy, as the COP28 in Dubai clearly showed one more time. But green transition needs funds, innovation and market opportunities to get real: so, let’s see what are the concrete commitments taken firsthand by some of the biggest producers of fossil fuels in the world

“Electric cars on the market today are not suitable for the transition. They must be totally reworked”

SUV or city car? What must the architecture of an electric car look like in order to have affordable green vehicles on the market for rapid replacement of fossil fuels? We outline a profile with Andrea Tonoli, Most National Centre: “Only if we reduce size and mass will we reduce consumption.”

SAF, what's behind a green acronym

The Net-Zero 2050 goal in aviation depends largely on the adoption of sustainable fuels, but to date only 1% of the necessary infrastructure is ready. After the first 100% SAF commercial flight between London and NY, we take stock of the actual state of play to make this change possible

COP28, historic result? But climate change does not wait for politics

The COP28 Global Stocktake recognises for the first time that combating global warming requires doing without fossil energy sources. However, climate action cannot target 2050, it must accelerate from this decade and the current commitments of countries are not sufficient to stop the emergency

The city? It is a living organism: the ecological design of biourbanism

Adapting urban space to climate change, rethinking cities in the face of the gradual abandonment of fossil fuels, mitigating heat waves are some of the challenges considered by biourbanism, a model that approaches design through the lens of life science

Fossil sources, is it still worth it? The risks of a future carbon lock-in

Building fossil-based infrastructure will block the energy transition of the industrial system, beyond the EU's decarbonisation deadlines. This delay will have an impact on climate and economic risks, due to the loss of competitiveness in the manufacturing sector and the spread of stranded assets in the energy sector

Recycling construction: if even building becomes circular

Cities as mines, thanks to the recovery, reuse and recycling of materials also in construction, which produces “the largest waste fraction in Europe (40%).” This is explained by Dario Caro of the Joint Research Centre, the EU Commission's research institute that has studied the economic and environmental impact, finding that urban mining in construction requires a quantum leap

“We need a collective, diversified and inclusive energy transition”

Adnan Shihab Eldin, a luminary in Energy Studies, attended the 18th IAEE European Conference in Milan. Trends in energy security and clean energy transition need an holistic dialogue encompassing supply and demand facets

Desalination, pros and cons of the last frontier in the water crisis

Is it really so easy to use sea water to meet the water needs of entire cities and nations? What are the quality, energy costs, advantages and disadvantages? Let us take a closer look at a solution already widely used in some of the world's arid countries

Green finance and the fight against emissions: Mundys' commitment to sustainability

The group is the corporate leader of the World Economic Forum's initiative to identify new financing instruments for the ecological transition of the airport sector. Target to reduce CO₂ emissions by 50 per cent through SBTi assessment confirmed. And the interactive Data Art work ‘Moving Data’ lands at Rome Fiumicino

“We’re not on track on energy transition, despite high investments”

“The power sector in itself is not really enough to decarbonize the energy system”, says Elizabeth Press of IRENA commenting on the World energy Transitions Outlook presented in Rome

Recycling electric batteries: the antidote to a new disaster

There is no alternative to this form of circular economy. Electric batteries for cars promise to solve the problem of polluting emissions, but if the recovery and reuse of raw materials is inadequate, the environment and production chains will suffer enormous new stresses

'Paying to pollute' is not enough. Anti-emissions strategies in aviation

Immediate measures to achieve decarbonisation targets in the aviation sector include auctions for emission allowances, offset programmes and specific taxation proposals. But action is needed on several levels: here is how the market and industrial research do and can play their part

Here's why everyone is talking about lithium

It is the new resource symbol of the ecological and digital transition in mobility and beyond. Growing demand is about to outstrip supply and may turn lithium into the “new oil”, 90% of whose production is concentrated in only three countries in the world

Road to COP28 in the hearth of the Gulf

2023 will be the “Year of Sustainability” in the UAE, which is hosting the next COP. The arabic country has already invested $50 billion in renewable energy and clean tech, and the same amount is planned for the years ahead

“No to nuclear: now, the future is self-produced renewable energy”

A return to nuclear energy would not help solve the issues raised by the energy crisis, according to Nicola Armaroli, research director at the CNR. “We already have 90% of the transition solutions”

"Yes to nuclear power to reach the Net Zero 2050 goal"

Atomic energy will be key to achieving emissions targets and supply autonomy, along with renewables. This is explained by Chicco Testa, manager and author of the book 'Going Back to Nuclear Power', speaking to Infra Journal about fourth-generation power plants and fusion studies

The man who realized utopia: Sam Altman and the Artificial Intelligence for all

It seemed like a fantasy, but now it is reality: machines that mimic the faculties of the human mind have arrived and are here to stay. Sam Altman has made Artificial Intelligence available to everyone, thanks to OpenAI. His creature, ChatGPT, poses questions to humans, which “Pioneers of the future” will tackle with the help of a neuroscientist and a totally unexpected guest.

We have technology, how do we use it? At the origin of smart cities with Municipia

Municipia implements the digital transformation of municipalities in safety, welfare, interactivity and mobility. Technology already offers many solutions, but coordination and maturity are needed at the administrative level. We talk about this with Stefano De Capitani, CEO of Municipia (Engineering Group), which has signed an MoU with Yunex for future collaborations in the ITS (Intelligent Transport System) sector and already worked in Pisa and Bologna

When technology promotes choices: Yunex Traffic Italy brings new mobility

Technological innovation is key to improving transport safety, sustainable traffic management, quality of life and mobility in urban spaces, enabling administrators and citizens to make more advanced choices. We talk about this with Gino Franco, managing director of Yunex Traffic Italy, which offers ITS systems for real-time planning and control of traffic and movement of vehicles and people in cities

Digital Euro, greener than cash. But not more convenient for everyone

The environmental footprint of cash payments is equivalent to 8 km travelled by car in one year. Cashless payments pollute 21% less, but banking desertification penalises certain communities and segments of the population. The ECB-guaranteed digital euro could arrive in the next few years

"The new century of the Aerotropolis": the urban shape with the airport at its centre

The airport should be placed at the centre of careful urban planning at regional level, as a catalyst for economic activity and a new form of metropolis development, towards the new ‘Aerotropolis’ model. The airport should therefore not be located in the suburbs, but in the heart of the city space, according to John Kasarda, an academic and expert in aviation infrastructure

An ambition beyond the stars: the billionaires’ race to conquer space

Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are the protagonists of a challenge never seen before in human history, between satellite launches and orbital flight. The world arising from the space economy will depend on them too: here are the tycoons of the planet with space interests, among successes, aspirations and few too many extravagances

The Risk of world powers in space: the moves on the geopolitical map

The global scenario sees more and more like-minded countries also aligning with each other in the new space race, as a new, increasingly decisive, space economy emerges for industrial competition. However, more international cooperation is needed to protect space as a common good and to achieve the great shared goals of humanity

Goods and data in the crosshairs: how war is choking global trade in the Red Sea

Since November, the number of containers passing through the strait in front of Yemen has fallen by 70% and re-routing navigation around Africa is raising fears for a new spin on inflation. To make matters worse, militias may even target submarine cables passing through this route, a jugular vein for global trade and communications

What airports will look like in 2050: the 5 megatrends of the future

Open, connected and ‘green’: airports around the world aim to facilitate travellers' access in a personalised, contactless and efficient way. Here are the five trends that will drive change as the world races towards 19 billion passengers per year

The road to switching to electric cars is (still) full of potholes

Italy slows down in the decarbonisation of transport. Without an acceleration of green policies, bold incentives for the purchase of low-emission cars and greater regulatory clarity on recharging infrastructures, the country risks falling even further behind, according to the latest Smart Mobility Report by Milan’s Polytechnic University

Investing with sustainable impact: now there is also a ‘fund of funds’

Fondo Italiano d'Investimento SGR launched the first fund of funds in Italy focused on the impact investing market, linked to measurable social objectives in the areas of energy transition, digital and circular economy

“Imagine, be creative and disagree”: Alessandro Benetton to the young at Fordham University

The Chairman of Edizione and vice president of Mundys addressed a speech at the 6th annual American Innovation Conference

"ESG targets and credit: this is how we stand by companies and SMEs"

Between training new skills and monitoring sustainability performance, the world of credit and business is called upon to make the transition to a sustainable economy a reality. Here is the example of Banca Intesa Sanpaolo

System, skills, territory: this is the formula of Rome Technopole

An ecosystem of synergies and meetings between the business world, institutions and the university, based on research, training and innovation: Rome Technopole is the major project that aims to enhance excellence to support the growth of companies and communities that are part of an entire region

“Electricity is advancing, together with us. But Italy needs a targeted policy”

More than a year after start-up, ABB Italy's plant has 80% of its production from abroad and is already ready to be expanded. “What is holding back the spread of the electric market in Italy is the lack of a targeted policy of intervention at national level,” according to Antonio De-Bellis, E-Mobility Lead Manager and Vice President of Motus-E

Green bonds, ESG criteria and more: finance for sustainability in infrastructures

The capital market makes various instruments available to investors to finance green sustainability projects. We discuss this with Marco Spano, Managing Director and co-Head of Debt Capital Markets and Financing Group at Mediobanca. With an eye on the Mundys case

“ESG ratings, an agency register is needed to contrast the bubble risk”

Credit risk management is increasingly linked to the assessment of companies' ESG risks. A register of ESG rating agents would bring order by offering a better service to the financial market, according to Mattia Ciprian, CEO and founder of Modefinance

“Green skyscrapers, opening the new frontier of construction in New York”

The ecological transition in the building sector opens up great opportunities. This is illustrated by the case of Somec, Oscar Marchetto's company, which from the naval has entered the civil sector in the Big Apple

Mundys, born to be a global leader in sustainable integrated mobility service

The Deputy Chairman of Mundys, Alessandro Benetton: “We are embarking on a new chapter in our business journey, joined by the people who have accepted this challenge.” The Chairman, Giampiero Massolo: “We want to serve the communities in which we operate, creating competitiveness and jobs. Whilst our head and heart will always be in Italy, international expansion is our goal.”

Critical resources, energy and cleantech: it's a race between powers

From new routes for fossil resources to innovative hydrogen networks, from metals to rare earths: international crises in recent years have highlighted the critical role of access to resources on the global geopolitical map for international technological competition and industry of the future. Taking stock one year after the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine

A phenomenology of the ‘NIMBY’ syndrome and some of its best remedies

It goes well beyond just an acronym and raises similar “symptoms'', in many cases all around the world. Nevertheless, one fact is sure: bypassing local communities to develop much-needed infrastructures is wrong

“Free”. The revolution you won't expect, in Genoa

The bet won by the Ligurian capital: free tickets and up to 55% lower fares to increase turnover. Here's how AMT, the company that manages public transport, did it

To tax or not to tax? The Hamletic doubt on tolls that embarrasses New York

Approved after years of work and studies in December, Manhattan's congestion charge was to be the first ever implemented in the entire United States. It was scheduled to start on 30 June, but the toll to moderate traffic was postponed to an indefinite date a few days earlier: the Big Apple continues to hesitate without making a decision. Here are the issues that have caused a stalemate

In the City that changes but remains Eternal: in Rome with Mint List

A city «slow in its global vision» but that «moves a lot in the daily»: it is Rome, in the story of Maria Azzurra Rossi, co-founder of Mint List, an advertising and communication agency. Here the transformations of mobility and urbanism have returned new life and interest to neighborhoods and squares, where the stories of millions of citizens, tourists and non-residents weave together

"Milan is a living-lab of mobility. But Government must listen to innovative cities"

Arianna Censi, Councillor for Mobility, explains how the Municipality of Milan is renewing the public transport and sharing system in a MaaS key, moving from a ‘many-to-one to a one-to-many’ model. “But change happens in the cities, it is not decided from afar. And the National Transport Fund should double”

Sustainable, courageous and efficient: mobility in 4 world-leading cities

Tianjin, Paris, Bogota and Jakarta have in recent years won the Sustainable Transport Award, the global competition that each year selects the city with the best projects for renewing mobility in a more sustainable and safe direction. Let's take a look at the results

"Time to shift gears for connected and sustainable mobility"

From smart roads to autonomous driving, from MaaS services to the connected car: the digital transition of mobility offers numerous opportunities involving manufacturers, infrastructure, networks, administrations and users. But where do we really stand? We talk about this with Giulio Salvadori, director of Polimi's Connected Car & Mobility Observatory, which has just released research data

An undeclared pandemic. 5 things to remember from the WHO report on road safety

The number of road deaths has fallen by 5% in the last ten years, but the target of -50% is still far off. The Global status report on road safety 2023 underlines the burden of social inequalities and inadequate infrastructure. We need a people-based mobility model and laws that pay more attention to road safety

Safety on board: the best practices from 3 countries on the right track

The fatal accident bulletin remains too high in relation to the WHO targets: reducing the number of fatalities by half by 2030. In a world travelling at different speeds on the subject, some countries offer effective models for improving road safety. Here are the cases of Denmark, Japan and Vietnam

“Milan, the best is yet to come”: around the city with Studiopepe

The second season of The Passenger, Infra Journal web series, is here and with a new format: “Inside The City”, to meet different protagonists in different Italian cities and discover each time new ways to live, work and move around. The first episode is dedicated to Milan, through the eyes of Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto, founders of Studiopepe, an architecture and design studio

Zone 30: if the new city idea has a limit

The 30 kilometre per hour speed limit is spreading rapidly in urban areas. There is no shortage of detractors, but the model is increasingly being adopted to prevent accidents, reduce environmental impact and promote a more inclusive use of public space

Bogotà: an outsider’s model for sustainable, safe and inclusive mobility

When the Colombian capital was facing an urban mobility crisis, in the 1990s, it deemed impossible that it was going to be an award winner for its sustainable transportation, in the years to come. But Bogotà has actually incepted a virtuous model, being replicated around the world. Let’s see how it could make it, with "City Profiles" column by Infra Journal

The condo's electric car: is it the sharing of the future? The bet on Genoa

Electric car sharing can become a reality in communities of residents who self-produce renewable energy. A change in habits and consumption is increasingly plausible, thanks in part to a 5.7 billion Italian plan for Renewable Energy Communities, approved by the EU. We discuss this with Maurizio Ferraris, Maps Energy Market Director

A world-class leader in public transit: here is the Hong Kong model

A well planned infrastructure, joined with a unique business plan makes Hong Kong a best practice in public transports. Here 8 people out of 10 prefer railways, trams and buses rather than private cars. And the system is even profitable

The 5 key actions to change the transports in a sustainable way

Changing technology or energy sources is not the only step to transform a sector that produces 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Efficient mobility services, more inclusive urban planning and barrier-free infrastructure are needed

Autarkic or rational? Routine or variety? 4 ways to live the road

Who are and what do typical users of new "Mobility as a Service" want? Which integrated, smart and sustainable mobility services are best suited to their needs? A survey by MobiUs, the SDA Bocconi and Mundys laboratory, tries to reveal MaaS target market profiles and needs

Here’s how Oslo became the capital of EV cars

It’s not just about acting on vehicles: the Norwegian city took a whole plan about infrastructures, incentives, mobility and public transport, to abate its emissions and thereby encouraging the passage from fossil fueled car to EVs

“Less cars, more pedestrians”: the American story of New Urbanism

Urban development has always accompanied changes in society in the United States, in offering solutions for the city and for living. New Urbanism is a school of thought that is still vital in offering solutions that aim to protect a sense of community and limit the consumption of environmental resources, opposing the 'sprawl' of American suburbs

CityZ, with IoT parking the free spot is on the app

The idea of a start-up from Turin: ultra-thin, connected sensors that monitor the occupancy status of car parking spaces, for a service integrated with any MaaS system and navigation app that lets you know in real time where to find an available parking space

“Area B, cycling and parking: Milan needs more courage on mobility”

Enlarging the urban toll area, paid parking spaces for residents and an integrated cycle network: Milan needs a decisive policy of orientation towards sustainable mobility to overcome the contradictions of the post-Covid era. We talk about this with Edoardo Croci, promoter in 2008 of Ecopass, the first pollution charge ever applied in Lombardy's capital city

Living without cars? Here are the projects for rethinking cities

How to imagine life in the neighbourhoods and streets, abandoning the car-centred perspective? Some urban projects and initiatives around the world are trying to imagine this

Green hydrogen: these are the major plants and projects to produce it in Europe

Green hydrogen promises to decarbonise the energy system, but between EU targets and real production capacity there is the need to build the new plants. Let's see the biggest to date or under construction in Europe

From electronics, a smart eye for the environment: the idea of FAE Technology

The Italian tech group produces the electronic components for devices capable of monitoring urban, rural and fragile territories. Technology meets sustainability, with several active projects around the world and strategic partnerships

The man who realized utopia: Sam Altman and the Artificial Intelligence for all

It seemed like a fantasy, but now it is reality: machines that mimic the faculties of the human mind have arrived and are here to stay. Sam Altman has made Artificial Intelligence available to everyone, thanks to OpenAI. His creature, ChatGPT, poses questions to humans, which “Pioneers of the future” will tackle with the help of a neuroscientist and a totally unexpected guest.

How to invent a new era of humanity: Federico Faggin and the microprocessor

A small object from which everything started, a few millimetres of technology that 50 years ago made computing available to the general public: it is the microprocessor and its inventor is Federico Faggin. An idea that revolutionised forever the way of living, working and connecting for billions of people on the planet. For Pioneers of the future we talk to the Italian engineer, now engaged in a tireless activity of dissemination

Artificial Intelligence questions us and challenges our identity

Generative AI will reach ‘human’ performance levels by the end of the decade, but it imposes a paradigm shift accompanied by unknowns in every sphere of economic, political and social activity and organisation. The university presents itself as a reliable interlocutor up to the challenges that individuals and societies will face in the very near future

“I’ll show you how our lives depend on space cybersecurity”

If our economy is already a space economy, our society is as well. Cyber security is strategic for the 8,000 satellites in orbit, while enemy states and hackers are on the prowl. Matteo Lucchetti, director of Cyber 4.0, tells Infra Journal: “Space is a useful but vulnerable economic domain. The most threatened sector is the government sector”

A young space leader, from Sicily to Mars: Chiara Cocchiara’s challenge

A brilliant student who overturned all preconceptions and, starting from the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, established herself in the world as a pioneer of space and the emerging space economy: the story, ambitions and projects of Chiara Cocchiara, an award-winning aerospace engineer with a penchant for the red planet

“Solar energy from every surface: this material will revolutionise our lives”

Flexible, versatile, efficient and durable: it is called perovskite and, according to researchers, it is the perfect material to produce photovoltaic energy from any object that is reached by light, even non-natural light. Annalisa Bruno, a professor working with the laboratory team that is developing its properties to achieve industrial applications, tells us about it

Cybersecurity, the 5 biggest risks for the electric and connected car

Electrification leads to increasingly digitised, networked (V2X, V2I, V2V...) and self-driving vehicles and infrastructures. Vehicle mobility is increasingly becoming an attractive attack surface for malicious actors and software: here are the major vulnerabilities to watch out for, for the safety of roads and drivers

Electric cars: 3 innovative ideas for a faster recharge

Recharging times still are a critical issue in a travel experience by electric car. Three possible solutions are being studied to improve the EV-cars performance and to boost the spread of a more sustainable mobility: dynamic wireless charging, battery swapping and solid-state batteries

Hedy Lamarr, the fleeing diva who invented Wi-Fi

Hedwig Maria Eva Kiesler, long known only as an actress, decided to help humanity defeat Nazism with her studies in the field of telecommunications. Together with musician George Antheil, she invented a remote communication system for torpedoes, which today is considered as the basic foundation of modern wireless Internet connection technologies

Fast & virtuous: fast charging for all through super cables

Superconductive electrical networks, made from an innovative material, could enable both electric and hydrogen fast charging along motorways. A flexible, versatile and large-scale solution for mass users, resulting also from Cern research

Decentralized. Web3 or the new identity in the cyber universe

What is it and how does the third-generation World Wide Web work, the heralded revolution facilitated by blockchain, promising to put the user back at the centre of the Net

Creating new worlds: Nolan Bushnell, Atari and the invention of video games

A former student of Electronic Engineering, assistant manager at an amusement park, became a serial entrepreneur and founded a revolutionary brand: Atari. Following the Pong’s success, Nolan Bushnell was the perfect conjunction ring of the History, which changed entertainment and lifestyle, developing out of nowhere a billionaire industry, such as video games

PoliMove, pushing autonomous driving a bit further

“We explore the limits of technology to push it to the limit and master it”, Sergio Savaresi, professor at Politecnico di Milano, states after the success of the PoliMove team that set the speed record in Las Vegas in a competition against nine AV teams. “But the road to autonomous driving is still long on our roads”

Airport snack ‘on its way’: here comes Ottobot, the robot delivery

Programmed to navigate in crowded environments such as car parks and airports, Ottobot is Ottonomy.IO's autonomous retail delivery vehicle already present in Europe and North America. The start-up selected for the Aeroporti di Roma Innovation Hub comes from the United States and is the new story for Infra Journal's 'Rocket' column

The robotaxi goes on the road and the competition is open

The robot taxi is almost a reality: Google, Amazon, Baidu and other companies are developing autonomous vehicles in several cities around the world

Territory, safety and roads: the drone watches over the smart city

Unmanned aerial aircraft are increasingly being used by officers and local police for land monitoring, traffic management, accident solving

The story of WhatsApp: from failure to success of an idea

Jan Koum and Brian Acton are WhatsApp’s co-founders, the most used instant messaging app in the world. Remaining faithful to their ideas, at the height of a time shaped by advancements in digital technology, in 2009 they started developing the app that later was acquired by Facebook itself for 19 billion dollars, five years later an interview gone wrong

Lost no more thanks to baggage biometrics: the BagsID idea

Artificial intelligence applied to handling: the idea of the BagsID start-up, selected for ADR's Innovation Hub, was created out of a misadventure of its founder, Marlon van der Meer. We tell the story on Rockets, Infra Journal's column dedicated to innovative ideas

Algorithms for a more efficient and safer airport with Assaia

Intelligence and computer vision software allow aircraft turnaround to be optimised, reducing waste of resources and time, ultimately ensuring better passenger service. Assaia participates in the Aeroporti di Roma Innovation Hub and is a ‘Rocket’ story

‘Undertourism’: here are 5 alternative destinations to overcrowded travel locations

 Everyone knows the places overwhelmed by overtourism. Let's get away from tautologies and explore the most underrated places for a holiday, away from ‘crazy crowds’.

The top 10 busiest airports and the new post-pandemic world map

There is little left to close the gap in passenger and cargo traffic globally after the pandemic shock. The real driver of the recovery is international travel, with Asia and the Middle East becoming increasingly popular, while American leadership remains strong

The future of urban living: events and exhibitions to start 2024

From the Middle East to the United Kingdom, via Germany: the most interesting events among cultural institutions describe the contribution of design disciplines in the search for sustainable solutions dedicated to energy and living

The Passenger #08 - Ambrogio Beccaria, playing with nature

An extraordinary relation with nature, lived going through the oceans: sailor Ambrogio Beccaria tells his love for sailing, which bloomed since a very early age, along his passions and questions which follow him on the boat, crossing the seas of the globe, in solitary

The Passenger #07 - Vanessa Benelli Mosell on the wings of music

A pianist and conductor: travelling for Vanessa Benelli Mosell is an inseparable dimension from her natural talent for music, which from an early age led her to play all over the world

Mobility, smart city, design: 5 events, exhibitions and fairs not to be missed

Innovation in the world of mobility, town planning, infrastructure and architectural design becomes culture, encounters, exchange of ideas and suggestions. From Venice to New York via Barcelona, Seoul and Chicago: here are the events selected by Infra Cultura for the second half of 2023

On the road: 5 sustainable destinations for the modern tourist

From Japan to Peru, via the Mediterranean, here are some ideas for summer 2023 that combine beauty, culture and the travel experience with environmental protection and the drive for innovation

The Passenger #06 - Chiara Luzzana and The Sound of City

Diving into a city, to hear its breath and discover its deep sound. Chiara Luzzana is a music composer for many brands and she came up with the project called The Sound of City: finding the soundtrack for every city, from its environmental noises

The revolution in couple: Mr and Mrs Benz make up the automobile

Scientific ambition, adventure and passion describe the life of Karl e Bertha Benz, spouses who invented the first automobile and the journey by car. A lesson to still be remembered, written at the dawn of a new industry and a new mobility, more than 130 years ago

The Passenger #05 - Eva Geraldine Fontanelli, the good impact of traveling

Being a consciuous traveler means having a positive impact on the planet and the people we meet, according to Eva Geraldine Fontanelli. As a Ceo, consultant, stylist and fashion editor she is focused on projects joining fashion and sustainability. Infra The Mundys Journal has met her for the fifth episode by The Passenger

The best cities for those wishing to expatriate, according to expatriates

Climate, public transport, mobility infrastructure, cost of living and much more: the world's largest expat community has conducted a survey of almost 12,000 expats on the best cities to live and work in abroad, creating a ranking of 50. Top-down, here are the ones that passed the test with flying colours

Infra Culture: here are the exhibitions to watch out for in 2023

At a time of radical change and uncertainty, the world is questioning its future: what solutions for urban spaces, mobility and sustainability? Art and museums interpret these questions, from Tokyo to Copenhagen, from Rome to Helsinki via Qatar

"Building bridges through the charm of Art"

Better World Fund, a Paris-based non-profit organization raising awareness on critical global issues, hosts huge events worldwide about sustainability and health matters. From Venice to Cannes, Cinematic art at the service of humanity.

The Passenger #04 - Traveling as a continuous transformation: the perspective of Eric Battle Durany

The Passenger travels to Barcelona, Spain, to meet Enric Batlle Durany, a co-founder of the architecture, landscape and urban planning studio Batlleiroig. He has been working for over forty years on merging city and landscape together, in an uninterrupted journey between architectural constructions and nature

The novel sinergies in mobility for tourists and residents

As the first post-COVID summer travel season winds down, have destination cities learned to build back better? Here is how innovative services for visitors can improve the quality of a smooth and resilient day-by-day transportation network for residents too

On the routes of digital nomads: “Travelling has changed forever”

The demand for tourism has changed since the spread of Covid. The new travel patterns are closely linked to the new work-life balance. What synergies and strategies can guide the restart? We talk about this with Giacomo Trovato, AirBnb's country manager for Italy

Ideas for an unusual holiday: 5 'tech & green' places to discover

From the Mediterranean to Alaska, from the Far East to the Atlantic: some tourist destinations can boast extraordinary environmental and innovative resources. These are the keys to the resilience and sustainability of the sector in the post-pandemic period, globally. So, together let's depart again

A Museum of the Future to be part of tomorrow

The iconic cultural venue in Dubai takes the visitors on a voyage into the future, but it is also home to an international debate among scientists and innovators, it supports research and is an opportunity for a new generation to become part of the future

A direct flight from continental Europe to Australia: a historical first

Flying directly from continental Europe to Australia is today finally a reality. Innovations and agreements have brought us to this historic day for aviation. Such news implies plenty of strategic and economic advantages, both for countries and travellers

“Fostering long term business to build our global future”

The Future Innovation Summit is a unique event representing UAE, and promoting progress among many industries. “Technologies relating to agriculture, health care, water and food security are high in demand”, says its founder, Adnand Al Noorani