Jon Glasco

Jon Glasco

Freelance journalist and writer covering opportunities and challenges in smart cities, urban innovation and smart mobility. His articles and city profiles have appeared in Smart Cities World, Urbequity, Bee Smart City and Smart Cities Dive. A writer and consultant since the 1990s, he holds a degree in electrical engineering and an MBA. Portfolio

Bogotà: an outsider’s model for sustainable, safe and inclusive mobility

When the Colombian capital was facing an urban mobility crisis, in the 1990s, it deemed impossible that it was going to be an award winner for its sustainable transportation, in the years to come. But Bogotà has actually incepted a virtuous model, being replicated around the world. Let’s see how it could make it, with "City Profiles" column by Infra Journal

A world-class leader in public transit: here is the Hong Kong model

 A well planned infrastructure, joined with a unique business plan makes Hong Kong a best practice in public transports. Here 8 people out of 10 prefer railways, trams and buses rather than private cars. And the system is even profitable

Here’s how Oslo became the capital of EV cars

It’s not just about acting on vehicles: the Norwegian city took a whole plan about infrastructures, incentives, mobility and public transport, to abate its emissions and thereby encouraging the passage from fossil fueled car to EVs