To tax or not to tax? The Hamletic doubt on tolls that embarrasses New York

Approved after years of work and studies in December, Manhattan's congestion charge was to be the first ever implemented in the entire United States. It was scheduled to start on 30 June, but the toll to moderate traffic was postponed to an indefinite date a few days earlier: the Big Apple continues to hesitate without making a decision. Here are the issues that have caused a stalemate

The top 10 busiest airports and the new post-pandemic world map

There is little left to close the gap in passenger and cargo traffic globally after the pandemic shock. The real driver of the recovery is international travel, with Asia and the Middle East becoming increasingly popular, while American leadership remains strong

We have technology, how do we use it? At the origin of smart cities with Municipia

Municipia implements the digital transformation of municipalities in safety, welfare, interactivity and mobility. Technology already offers many solutions, but coordination and maturity are needed at the administrative level. We talk about this with Stefano De Capitani, CEO of Municipia (Engineering Group), which has signed an MoU with Yunex for future collaborations in the ITS (Intelligent Transport System) sector and already worked in Pisa and Bologna

In the City that changes but remains Eternal: in Rome with Mint List

A city «slow in its global vision» but that «moves a lot in the daily»: it is Rome, in the story of Maria Azzurra Rossi, co-founder of Mint List, an advertising and communication agency. Here the transformations of mobility and urbanism have returned new life and interest to neighborhoods and squares, where the stories of millions of citizens, tourists and non-residents weave together

When technology promotes choices: Yunex Traffic Italy brings new mobility

Technological innovation is key to improving transport safety, sustainable traffic management, quality of life and mobility in urban spaces, enabling administrators and citizens to make more advanced choices. We talk about this with Gino Franco, managing director of Yunex Traffic Italy, which offers ITS systems for real-time planning and control of traffic and movement of vehicles and people in cities

Digital Euro, greener than cash. But not easier for everyone

The environmental footprint of cash payments is equivalent to 8 km travelled by car in one year. Cashless payments pollute 21% less, but banking desertification penalises certain communities and segments of the population. The ECB-guaranteed digital euro could arrive in the next few years

The 'ecomodernist' perspective on the environmental issue

Technological innovation and economic growth can coexist alongside the ecological transition, accompanying and indeed supporting it, under the banner of a renewed humanism. Michael Shellenberger presents his divergent theory from traditional environmentalism in his book 'The Apocalypse Can Wait'

"Sustainability is a path of value that never stops"

The experience of a B-Corp company led by Walter Bertin, Labomar, in creating a value chain based on short supply chains, control of raw materials, and research and development of innovative nutraceutical products designed for human well-being and respectful of the environment

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Sustainable, courageous and efficient: mobility in 4 world-leading cities

Tianjin, Paris, Bogota and Jakarta have in recent years won the Sustainable Transport Award, the global competition that each year selects the city with the best projects for renewing mobility in a more sustainable and safe direction. Let's take a look at the results

How to invent a new era of humanity: Federico Faggin and the microprocessor

A small object from which everything started, a few millimetres of technology that 50 years ago made computing available to the general public: it is the microprocessor and its inventor is Federico Faggin. An idea that revolutionised forever the way of living, working and connecting for billions of people on the planet. For Pioneers of the future we talk to the Italian engineer, now engaged in a tireless activity of dissemination

Safety on board: the best practices from 3 countries on the right track

The fatal accident bulletin remains too high in relation to the WHO targets: reducing the number of fatalities by half by 2030. In a world travelling at different speeds on the subject, some countries offer effective models for improving road safety. Here are the cases of Denmark, Japan and Vietnam

“Milan, the best is yet to come”: around the city with Studiopepe

The second season of The Passenger, Infra Journal web series, is here and with a new format: “Inside The City”, to meet different protagonists in different Italian cities and discover each time new ways to live, work and move around. The first episode is dedicated to Milan, through the eyes of Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto, founders of Studiopepe, an architecture and design studio

An ambition beyond the stars: the billionaires’ race to conquer space

Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are the protagonists of a challenge never seen before in human history, between satellite launches and orbital flight. The world arising from the space economy will depend on them too: here are the tycoons of the planet with space interests, among successes, aspirations and few too many extravagances

Zone 30: if the new city idea has a limit

The 30 kilometre per hour speed limit is spreading rapidly in urban areas. There is no shortage of detractors, but the model is increasingly being adopted to prevent accidents, reduce environmental impact and promote a more inclusive use of public space

Editor's Hub

Here's why zero emissions in aviation is a major challenge

The COP26 conference established the goal of zero emissions for the aviation industry by 2050. Airports and airlines are adopting anti-pollution initiatives, but public incentives would be useful in support of this commitment in an area of key importance for the economy

Here's why zero emissions in aviation is a major challenge

The COP26 conference established the goal of zero emissions for the aviation industry by 2050. Airports and airlines are adopting anti-pollution initiatives, but public incentives would be useful in support of this commitment in an area of key importance for the economy

Aviation is a key to the resumption of business and economic growth after two years of the pandemic. But the sector finds itself facing a number of important challenges, not only due to the complications of Covid-19 regulations, but for achieving the goal of decarbonisation. On the whole, air traffic accounts for about 3.8% of all emissions...
Read MoreAboutHere's why zero emissions in aviation is a major challenge

“Green” taxonomy in the EU: an open approach is needed

The principle of “do no significant harm” cannot become an obstacle. Comparative, strategic assessment of the impact of investment would be more effective for supporting the green transition, as part of a shared “vocabulary” guiding sustainable finance

“Green” taxonomy in the EU: an open approach is needed

The principle of “do no significant harm” cannot become an obstacle. Comparative, strategic assessment of the impact of investment would be more effective for supporting the green transition, as part of a shared “vocabulary” guiding sustainable finance

Investment in transportation infrastructure will play a key role in the success of the European strategy of the Green Deal: development of rail transportation, sustainable evolution of road transportation, and technologies for transition in maritime and air transportation are essential to meet Europe’s goal of cutting carbon...
Read MoreAbout“Green” taxonomy in the EU: an open approach is needed

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